Hear our radio show!
Galway Recovery College was invited to take over Flirt FM’s student radio station’s Happy Hour between 6pm and 8pm on Thursday 22nd July. Listen in on the link below and hear what the college is about, what it means to students and to mental health service providers who work with us as well as music chosen in co-production with our students.
Galway Recovery College,
Institute for Lifecourse & Society Building (ILAS),
NUIG North Campus,
Upper Newcastle Road,
H91 C7DK
T: 087 3401667
E: [email protected]
The Purpose of the Galway Recovery College is to create a culture of recovery, to improve quality of life and promote social inclusion by empowering people with mental health challenges, their families, friends and the community through co-produced education and learning together.
© 2017 Mayo Recovery College. All Rights Reserved.
Design & Development by Avenir Design, Ltd.